IMAGO Couples Counselling

In Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) couples can create stronger, closer relationships.

The difficulties we experience arise from our lack of awareness about what we're doing in our relationship, not from our choice of partners. It teaches us how our childhood caretakers have profoundly affected us in our current life. It helps us to make conscious how our old wounds impact our relationship and brings us important skills to resolve the pain and conflict. Working with Joan you'll learn how to work through issues and disagreements using communication tools that have been well-researched and proven to be highly effective. 

Joan is a licensed and credentialed  Imago therapist with over 30 years of experience.

For more information about Imago, please see the resources below:

4 Steps to Healthy Communication: Intentional Dialogue (Oprah. com)

Listening Well is the Foundation of Good Communication, Joan Sinclair (PDF  100 Kb)

Imago and Pottery, Joan Sinclair (PDF, 250 Kb)




01: Mindfulness

02: Imago Couples Counselling